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Necklaces Just in Time for Valentine's Day!

Hey Everyone!

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, we're happy to announce that our first batch of pop-culture related necklaces have just arrived.

To browse any of them, check them out on the newest arrivals page here. Alternatively, we have now created a new section under armour titled necklaces.

Consider celebrating Valentine's Day the geeky way -- aka the best way -- with getting your partner one of following 16 new items (all come in their own fancy boxes too):

1) Assassin's Creed: Assassin Insignia
2) Attack on Titan: Survey Corps
3) Dr. Who: Mini-Tardis
4) Fairy Tail: Guild Insignia
5) Game of Thrones: Lannister, Stark, Targaryen, and the Hand of the King Wearable Pin
6) Legend of Zelda: Triforce
7) Monster Hunter World: Monster Hunter Isignia
8) Naruto: Minato Kunai
9) One Piece: Straw Hats Insignia
10) Skyrim: Seal of Akatosh
11) Supernatural: Charms and Anti-Possession
12) Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Geralt's Wolf Pendant
Previous article Now Available: Made-to-Order Hoodies!

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