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La rébellion de Dante (2e édition)

Économisez $30 CAD Économisez $30 CAD
Prix d'origine $299.99 CAD
Prix d'origine $299.99 CAD - Prix d'origine $299.99 CAD
Prix d'origine $299.99 CAD
Prix actuel $269.99 CAD
$269.99 CAD - $269.99 CAD
Prix actuel $269.99 CAD

Contexte de Dante

Dante est le personnage principal de la série de jeux vidéo Devil May Cry. Dante est un détective privé, un mercenaire et surtout un chasseur de diables. Dante a consacré sa vie à exterminer les démons et autres forces du mal afin de venger son frère corrompu et sa mère tuée. En tant que demi-démon, Dante est capable de manifester son Devil Trigger (pouvoir spécial au potentiel surnaturel) en utilisant sa rébellion magique.

La Rébellion est une épée massive à double tranchant avec une garde composée d'un grand crâne avec des cornes et une cage thoracique. Imprégné de son sang, Dante utilise son sang transformé en Rébellion pour combattre de puissants ennemis. Il peut également unifier les côtés mortels et démoniaques d’un individu.

Réplique en acier de l'épée de Dante

Notre véritable épée magistralement conçue s'inspire de l'épée de Dante, y compris sa lame en acier inoxydable et sa garde emblématique. Cette réplique en métal de l'épée de Dante mesure 130 cm de long et est accompagnée d'une plaque d'affichage en bois Devil May Cry. La lame est émoussée et constitue un accessoire idéal pour la décoration de la maison ou pour une séance photo de cosplay.

Spécifications de notre Dante's Rebellion (2e édition)

Longueur de la lame : 94 cm
Largeur de la lame : 5,5 cm - 8 cm
Longueur totale : 130 cm
Largeur de garde : 23 cm
Dimensions du pommeau : 8,5 cm x 8,5 cm
Matériau de l'épée : acier.
Pointu : non
Dimensions de la plaque : 21,5 cm x 21,5 cm
Matériau de la plaque : Bois

About Dante's Rebellion from Devil May Cry

Dante is the main character in the video game series Devil May Cry. Dante is a private investigator, mercenary and most notably a Devil Hunter. Dante dedicated his life to exterminate demons and other evil forces in order to avenge his brother that was corrupted and his mother that was killed. As a half-demon, Dante is capable of manifesting his Devil Trigger (special power with supernatural potential) using his magical Rebellion.

The Rebellion is a massive double-edged sword with a guard that consists of a large skull with horns and a rib cage. Imbued with his blood, Dante uses his blood transformed Rebellion to fight powerful enemies. It can also unify an individual's mortal and demonic sides together.


Overall Length: 130 cm
Blade Length: 94 cm
Blade Width: 5.5 cm - 8cm
Guard Width: 23 cm
Pommel Dimensions: 8.5 cm x 8.5 cm
Sword Material: Steel

Plaque Dimensions: 21.5 cm x 21.5 cm
Plaque Material: Wood

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Sword is awesome 10/10 !!!!

The sword is amazing would buy from again 110 percent

Great!!! Only 1 small issue

The sword came in in near perfect condition! It’s shiny, made of metal, and the supplies for the stand are perfect! Although this may be on the shipping side, one of the spikes on the end of the sword was bent and had to be fixed via bending the metal, but that was no big issue! 10/10 would buy again

Tony Redgrave
Great sword but I have a question

The sword is by far one of the best I've ever purchased and one of my favorites in my collection, however I've been finding an issue in disassembling it, is there a way to do it that I'm not aware of or is it designed not to come apart?

Devil's Can Cry

Shipping and processing took a while but that is expected from Covid protocols
But this sword is amazing it is so detailes and actually has some heft to it. a nice wall mount with the dmc logo too
absolutely love this sword


I received this sword as a Christmas present and couldn't be happier with the quality, the sword is huge and is rightfully hanging on my man caves wall.