Dive into the World of Anime with Our Premier Collection of ONE PIECE!
One Piece is a Japanese manga series created by Eiichiro Oda. It follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, as they journey through the Grand Line in search of the legendary treasure known as the "One Piece," with the goal of making Luffy the next King of the Pirates. In Fire and Steel, you can find real life replicas of your favorite One Piece swords, including Zoro's swords, Luffy's sword, Law's sword, Oden's sword and many more!
What are the three swords that Zoro wields in One Piece?
The three swords that Zoro wields in One Piece are called Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu, and Enma. Collect all three Zoro's swords in Fire and Steel!