2B's Virtuous Contract Katana (High Density Foam)
Background of 2B's Virtuous Contract
YoRHa No.2 Type B (commonly known as 2B) is the all purpose battle android and protagonist in the video game series NieR: Automata. To protect the surviving humans from the Machines (an evil race of sentient robots), 2B is designed to take the fight back to the enemy. Always on the offensive, 2B is equipped with a large array of close quarter weaponry and a ranged attack pod. 2B's weapon of choice is the Virtuous Contract, a katana style "weapon of virtue".
2B's signature blade, the Virtuous Contract, is a small sword 2B uses in countless, gruesome battles during and after the 14th Machine War. Counterpart to 9S's powerful Cruel Oath, the Virtuous Contract is a white sword like those carried by the samurai of the old, with a top quality blade.
2B's Virtuous Contract default blade from the Nier: Automata game series. Overall: 104cm. LARP friendly foam. Matches the 9S Cruel Oath (LARP friendly) katana
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